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MackSolo Team Update โ€“ Day 61 โœˆ๏ธ๐ŸŒ Two ...

Macksolo 2022/05/24 08:17:40
MackSolo Team Update โ€“ Day 61 โœˆ๏ธ๐ŸŒ

Two days ago, after an 8-hour flight - of which 6 hours solid over water - from Zanzibar to #Antananarivo, #Madagascar, Mack saw this amazing tropical ยซ anvil ยป cloud! They are generally found in strong #thunderstorms โ›ˆ.

They're often said to look as if a bomb went off because of their ๐Ÿ„ #cloud appearance. To visualize how an #anvil #cloud is formed, imagine boiling a pot of water. When you take the top off of the pot, steam rises up, and then spreads out as it hits the ceiling. Apply this to a #cumulonimbus cloud. The powerful rising updraft hits the tropopause, a layer of air above the troposphere where the air temperature stops decreasing with altitude. The tropopause effectively acts as a ceiling: the rising updraft of the cloud has nowhere else to go and creates the anvil cloud as it spreads out across the sky. The larger the anvil cloud, the stronger the thunderstorm.

How much beauty do our skies hold!
โžก๏ธ Any stunning โ˜๏ธ pictures you want to share?

Want to learn more fun facts about clouds? Go here:

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