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Macksolo Team Update ✈️ 🌍: 1 YEAR AGO - ...

Macksolo 2023/08/24 17:00:36
Macksolo Team Update ✈️ 🌍: 1 YEAR AGO - UNSEEN FOOTAGE of Mack's most dangerous flight over the icy Pacific

On the 24th of August 2022, Mack Rutherford became the youngest person to fly solo around the world when he landed in Sofia, Bulgaria, home of his sponsor ICDSoft. He had barely turned 17.

In honour of the 1-year anniversary of Mack's Guinness World Record, we have compiled a half-hour video of unpublished footage of the 10-hour-long flight (crossing the date-time line), during which he needed to start racing the sun to land before sunset.

Not being able to reach his destination in time, he eventually landed on the uninhabited island of Attu where he spent quite a cold, wet and miserable night.

As darkness sets in and he knows its runway is unlit, the tension is palpable and you will hear him say upon landing "This is officially the most difficult landing I have ever done". For Mack and his British phlegm, it is quite a statement indeed. He had just made it in the nick of time.

Enjoy this unseen and quite raw footage!

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